The Table - Last Sunday of the Month

Breaking bread together is one of our favorite things about being a family. The last Sunday of every month we choose a food theme and enjoy a meal together. Bring a dish to share, and please be sure to help set up or tear down, it helps the process go smoothly! Invite friends and family, everyone always has a seat at the table.
*Easter, Thankful and Christmas Tables will align with their event weeks, not the month’s last Sunday.*
Food Themes:
Jan - Luncheon
Feb - Family Heritage
March - Favorite Comfort Food
April - *4/20/25* - Easter Favorites
May - Mexican
June - Summer BBQ
July - Summer BBQ
August - Summer BBQ
Sept - Italian
Oct - Welcome Fall! Chili/Soup/ Baked Potato Bar
Nov - *11/23/25* - Thankful Table
Dec - *12/21/25* - Christmas Brunch