Planted in 1987 by Bob & Rhonda Obert, Scotts Valley Vineyard is dedicated to Jesus, to People, to the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, and the Mercy of God.
We believe the Bible is authoritative and the book God intended us to have, that God is good, has a loving plan for all of creation and that our lives matter to Him. We believe God has spoken to us through the Prophets and Apostles of scripture, has revealed Himself clearly and authoritatively in the person of Jesus, and continues to lead us today through the Holy Spirit. We believe that the WHOLE church is the ‘Body’ and ‘Bride’ of Christ and that Jesus laid his life down for the church in love… and that we, in as much as we can, are to do the same.
We believe Jesus gives us the two things we all want: He loves us just as we are, and he loves us too much to leave us the way we are. It is not our job to make ourselves perfect or righteous according to our own ability, it is our job to lay our lives down, in ever increasing measure, at the feet of Jesus with two two prayers on our lips - “Help” & “Have your way”.
An explorer needs a compass in order to find themselves in the world, so do we. Only our compass has different markings.
North- Jesus is our everything, so we look to him in worship.
South - We ask Jesus to search us and know us, so we submit to the Word & Spirit.
East - We are called to love others as Jesus loves us, so we serve.
West - we desire to encourage, strengthen, and build eachother up, so we gather.
Home Groups
Tuesday evenings
6:30 PM

Women's Bible Study Sessions: Thursday - every other week
6:30 PM
Men's Group
Thursday Evenings
6:30 PM
Mexico Outreach
More information will be available soon.
Family & Youth Ministry: Our desire is to empower YOU to teach your children about the one true King, who has created each one of us with purpose, and sent His Son to show us the way to everlasting life.
Throughout the year we send out seasonal newsletters to keep you informed with all that is happening. Our Family & Youth board is located in the classroom hallway. There you will find current updates: what we are studying, resources, gatherings/events and more!
The Book of Acts recounts the early church's foundation. From instructions Jesus gave after His resurrection, the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the transformation that took place in the disciples, and more.
Acts is full of fun stories, but more than that it’s a description of what can happen when broken people partner with Jesus, in the power of the Spirit and the “now and not yet” of the Kingdom of God.

Your support is deeply appreciated!

Service Time: Sun 10:00 AM
360 Kings Village Rd.
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Email: office@scottsvalleyvineyard.com
© Scotts Valley Vineyard is a member of Vineyard USA, click the link to find out more.